Carrot starting to form

I cautiously dug around the roots to see whether or not I should green bin it. Pretty much half the vegetables in my field have either bolted or have been eaten by slugs.

Great! I will have to put a giant bottle over it before snow starts to fall

Bok choy flowers


I'm pretty sure they're going to make it this time *fingers crossed*
There's something wrong with the seedlings because they're much too tiny for their age, a shocking seven weeks old. Maybe it's the low temperature that's hindering their growth.

New look

There isn't much to do in the yard, so I decided to surf the internet. I came across this amazing site that lets you download unique Blogger templates. Loving the look of this blog now!


The few plants that are still alive and well

Former runner from my first strawberry plant

The only container of seedlings the squirrels that frequent my backyard didn't raid. I wonder why they chose to spare this one

The peas are in the field, so I hope they survive tonight's potential frost

Didn't think this one would survive, but it did! Yes!