Seedlings -6

Ten day old Buttercrunch and Grand Rapids lettuce seedlings.

: D

Supermarket pepper doing quite well on the windowsill.

Chubby Napa seedling.

Lights out!

Spent an hour in the dark during yesterday's Earth Hour from 8:30 to 9:30. My family and I had just barely made it back home from the mall - what a rush!

Seedlings -7

One of my goals this year is to keep everything organized with labels and matching containers/trays. So far everything is looking spectacular ( ^^ )b

Droopy three week old cauliflower seedlings in dire need of a warm current. Hang in there, guys! This chilly weather should be over in no time.

Six week old chives are splitting at the base.

One week old Swiss chard. Turns out one "seed" from the packet is actually a cluster of approximately four seeds. Now there are twenty seedlings starring at me versus the intended five.

Seven week old spinach seedlings packed together tightly in their tiny home.

Crazy weather

What a whopping difference within 24 hours!

Everything's out

Here's one of the three strawberries that has made its way out of the protective layer of straw.

The potted plants spent the day next out of the greenhouse, basking in the sun.

Unfortunately, weeds and random patches of grass have also appeared.

What's cooking in the greenhouse -8

A cozy 16 degrees Celsius inside the mini greenhouse. It was a scorching 30 last week with the surprise appearance of the blazing sun in early March.

The thyme is loving the temperature. They're a little leggy but getting bushier each day.

The overwintering mesclun seedlings are taking their lovely time to grow.

One month old spinach seedlings are also taking a while to mature.

Munchkin broccoli. What a cute name for a what I hope to be tiny, adorable broccoli.

Carrot peeping out of the soil. Hi, there!

After a rather slow start in February, the green tips are now growing like mad :D
I added a few more shallots to the pot this afternoon.


The second I saw this packet of carrot parmex at Lowe's, I knew these "chubbies" were going home with me. I planted them in 3x3 rows in a 7.5'' container.

Kathy's bamboo plant

We didn't think it was going to survive for more than a week, but it did! It looks quite happy with its new home (it once lived in a pop can).

Petit Budbud's windowsill seedlings -10

Baby chives.

Michelle's basil.

Lonely rosemary.

Munchkin broccoli.

Supermarket sweet pepper seedling.

Teeny weeny carrots

Inches of snow has melted, creating a swampy home for the winter vegetables.

I pulled out all the root vegetables like these teeny tiny carrots in order to prevent unnecessary rotting.

They didn't get the chance to live life and fufil their destiny - to jump into my mouth.