For the longest time I couldn't figure out what was happening to the disappearing slug/snail bait. It seemed like the slugs/snails were consuming the bait, but they continued to live and prosper on my leafy vegetables. Maybe the bait wasn't as effective as the company claimed? Or there were more slugs/snails than I thought? Then I realized what was really going on...
Turns out tiny, reddish brown ants were feverishly collecting the bait. They didn't leave one single bait left on the ground.
These little guys were never a nuisance; actually, they provided both my niece and myself hours of entertainment much like the rolypoly sowbugs that excelled at faking their deaths and fuzzy bumblebees that have a weird habit of attaching themselves to the side of my house. There are only two or three harmless colonies, so I'm leaving them alone for now. Now I have to set out several bowls of alcohol in the ground to contain the slug/snail problem. I feel queasy just thinking about their gruesome deaths.

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