It took an hour to get to the 150 acre farm located in Caledon Hills from the downtown campus. We got lucky and narrowly escaped rush hour :D

We took stacks of damp logs to the equipment shed...

...where we drilled several dozen holes into each one of them. We had difficulty at first as the drill kept getting stuck in the thicker logs, but it wasn't too big of a problem.

These petite shiitake mycelium plugs topped with styrofoam circles went into each hole.

Three full hours passed before we could finish drilling and plugging all the logs. My back aches just thinking about it!

After all the hard work, we took a relaxing ride on the back of the tractor with the mycelium filled logs to the forest.

Sam ran after us while collecting a number of sticks. His fur is so very soft.

Into the dampest part of the forest we went.

We stacked all seventy five of the soon-to-be mushroom logs in rows for easy access. Now let's hope forest creatures keep their paws off of our precious.

Good-bye, farm! I'll be back next Spring when shiitake mushrooms start popping out.
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